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Coaching Programs

Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching
A Transparent Process that Guarantees Measurable Leadership Growth

Marshall’s highly successful approach to executive development and coaching includes a strong emphasis on involvement of stakeholders, implementation of change and follow-through to measure growth in leadership effectiveness. In the end the only thing that counts is leadership growth i.e. leadership (behavior) effectiveness on the job as perceived by stakeholders. As Marshall puts it: “Leadership Change and Coaching are simple but not easy!” Stakeholder Centered Coaching developed by Marshall Goldsmith is a highly effective, transparent, structured and time efficient process that works as follows:

A. Determine 1-2 Leadership Growth Areas Important to the Leader and the Organization

In consultation with the coach, the leader selects 1-2 specific behaviors that are important for his/her leadership growth (e.g. empowerment and decision making). Behavioral interviews and multi-rater leadership assessments (1800 – 3600) are used to determine the aforementioned focus.

B. Leading Change Involving Stakeholders

The leader selects a handful of stakeholders mostly boss(es), direct reports and peers. Throughout the coaching program the leader involves these stakeholders on a monthly basis in the leadership growth process. This creates accountability for the leader to implement the change, as well as accountability for the stakeholders to support and to take part in the change process, which impacts and benefits the leader’s team as a whole.

B1. Involve Stakeholders to Capture Feedforward Suggestions

On a monthly basis the leader asks stakeholders to provide a few practical feedforward suggestions as it relates to his/her leadership growth areas.

B2. Stakeholder-Based Monthly Action Planning

The leader thinks through the feedforward suggestions from the stakeholders and drafts a monthly action plan. During the coaching session the leaders works on skill development and finalizes an action plan which the leader is committed to execute during the next month. After the coaching session the leader responds to the stakeholders informing them about his/her action plan.

B3. Change behavior and perception through execution on the job

Throughout the month, the leader implements his/her action plan and demonstrates to the stakeholders through his/her actions that (s)he is working to make change visible and become a more effective leader in the two selected leadership growth areas. Implementing change and following up with stakeholders also alters the stakeholders’ perceptions of the leader over time.

C. Perception is Reality: Measure Leadership Growth based on Stakeholders’ Perception

The coach checks in with the stakeholders approximately every quarter via a short internet based survey, to measure the stakeholders’ perceptions on how they see the leader’s effectiveness has been changing in the two leadership growth areas. This Leadership Growth Progress Review is reported back to the leader (and the sponsor) so that (s)he can gauge how his/her leadership change efforts have been perceived by the stakeholders. This survey also plays a key role in guaranteeing and measuring leadership growth for the leader and the organization.

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